The risks of not having a good support and maintenance team in your startup

In the digital era where startups have proliferated and competition is fierce, one of the most overlooked yet vital components of a startup’s success is its support and maintenance team. Often, new businesses are so fixated on product development, marketing, and scaling that they neglect the importance of consistent support and regular maintenance. In doing so, they expose themselves to significant risks which, if not addressed, can impede growth or even cause the startup to fail.



What Constitutes a Good Support and Maintenance Team?

Before diving into the risks of not having one, it’s important to understand what constitutes a good support and maintenance team. This team should:

  • Be well-trained and knowledgeable about the product or service.
  • Have a proactive approach, identifying potential issues before they escalate.
  • Be equipped with the necessary tools to provide quick resolutions.
  • Prioritize customer satisfaction and be adept at communication.
  • Regularly update and maintain the product to ensure it remains relevant, secure, and efficient.


The Risks Involved

a.Customer Dissatisfaction

One of the primary risks of not having an efficient support team is customer dissatisfaction. Startups, especially, rely on early adopters and a growing customer base to validate their business idea. Without effective support, customers might feel neglected or unheard, leading to negative reviews and, in some cases, product abandonment.


Imagine “TechNest,” a new software platform that offers team collaboration tools. While their features are innovative, they have no active support team. When Jane, a manager at a budding company, faces an issue integrating her email with the platform, she finds no one to assist her. Despite waiting for a response for days, she gets none. Frustrated, Jane writes a negative review online and switches to a competitor’s platform. Her team of 50 follows her.

b. Security Vulnerabilities

In today’s technologically driven world, security breaches are rampant. A strong maintenance team is essential to ensure that your product is updated against the latest vulnerabilities. Without regular updates and patches, startups expose themselves and their users to potential security threats.


“HealthVault,” a startup health app, promises its users a secure environment to store their medical records. However, due to a lack of a robust maintenance team, they fail to update their system against a recent malware threat. Consequently, thousands of users’ sensitive health records are compromised in a data breach, causing panic and mistrust among its user base. 

Related: Top 10 Warning Signs Your Software Development Project May Be Going Off Course.  


Financial Setbacks

Issues that aren’t addressed in time can lead to significant financial losses. This could be in the form of compensations, refunds, or loss of business. Additionally, rectifying a problem post-incident is often more costly than maintaining regular checks and balances.


“FreshFoods,” an online grocery delivery startup, didn’t address a glitch in their payment gateway promptly. As a result, they ended up double charging several customers over a week. These customers demanded refunds, and due to the public outcry, FreshFoods had to offer additional compensations in the form of discounts and free deliveries, resulting in substantial financial losses.

a. Brand Damage

In an age where word-of-mouth and online reviews play a critical role in a brand’s image, even a single negative experience can tarnish your startup’s reputation. This damage can take years to repair, by which time you might lose a considerable portion of your market share.


“StyleFits,” an online clothing brand startup, delivered a faulty product to Emma, a well-known influencer. Instead of promptly addressing the concern, their lack of customer support led Emma to share her negative experience on social media. Her post went viral, and StyleFits saw a sharp decline in sales and followers, tarnishing their brand reputation for months. 

Equip your startup for growth and resilience. Learn the pillars of efficient support and maintenance. Schedule a free consultation with our experts today. We’re here to help your startup!

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  • How can I use AI to automate my company’s business processes?
  • Which functionalities of my application should I enhance with AI?
  • Rapid verification of the application code quality
  • Why are there so many errors in my application?
  • Am I ready for MVP development?

c. Inefficient Use of Resources

Without a dedicated maintenance team, startups might find their developers or other team members sidetracked with support issues. This diversion from core tasks can delay product enhancements and impede growth.


At “EduLearn,” an online learning platform startup, the developers often found themselves attending to customer complaints due to the absence of a dedicated support team. These distractions meant that the planned feature release for the next quarter had to be pushed back, delaying the platform’s growth and evolution.


d. Loss of Competitive Edge

Regular maintenance ensures that your product remains updated with the latest technology trends. In its absence, your product might become obsolete, giving competitors an edge.


“TravelEase,” a travel booking platform, failed to update its system to offer virtual tours and AR experiences, which became the latest trend. Their competitors, however, were quick to adapt, making them the preferred choice among travelers. As a result, TravelEase saw a stagnation in user growth and engagement.


How Can Startups Ensure Efficient Support and Maintenance?

a. Hire Right 

When building a team, focus on both technical skills and soft skills. An ideal team member should not only be adept at problem-solving but also possess good communication skills.  


Consider the case of “WebSolutions,” a startup specializing in web development. They were hiring a new front-end developer. Instead of just focusing on coding skills, they also emphasized interpersonal skills during the interview process. As a result, they hired Mike, who, apart from being an excellent coder, was also an effective communicator. This proved invaluable when Mike had to collaborate with clients, understanding their requirements and translating them into technical solutions seamlessly. 


b. Invest in Training 

Regular training sessions can keep the team updated with the latest product enhancements and industry best practices.  


“DigitalCrafters,” a graphic design startup, noticed that while their designers were skilled, they weren’t up-to-date with the latest design tools and trends. To bridge this gap, they organized a monthly workshop where experts from the field were invited to train the team. Over time, the team’s output quality drastically improved, and they were able to secure more clients due to their modern and updated designs.  


Maximizing your startup’s potential starts with the right tools and feedback. Discover the game-changers. Continue the journey! 

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c. Use Advanced Tools

Leverage technology for tracking, managing, and resolving issues. Tools can automate certain tasks, ensuring faster and more efficient resolutions.  


“SupportFirst,” a customer support startup, used to manage all their customer complaints via email. This led to delayed responses and unresolved tickets. Recognizing the inefficiency, they implemented a ticketing system and CRM tool. With these tools, they were able to categorize, prioritize, and swiftly resolve customer issues, increasing customer satisfaction rates. 

d. Prioritize Feedback 

Use customer feedback to identify areas of improvement. A feedback-driven approach can help in enhancing the product and the overall customer experience. 


“GourmetBox,” a meal kit delivery service, always aimed to improve their offerings. They introduced a feedback system where customers could rate and review their meals. By consistently analyzing this feedback, they noticed a pattern of customers wanting more vegan options. Responding to this, GourmetBox introduced a new vegan meal line which quickly became one of their best sellers. This decision, driven by customer feedback, greatly enhanced their market reach and customer loyalty 


Related: Choosing to Outsource to a Software Development House. Why it’s a Better Choice?  


In Summary 

In the excitement and rush of bringing a new idea to life, startups often underestimate the importance of support and maintenance. However, as outlined above, neglecting this aspect can expose the business to significant risks. 

As startups scale and their user base grows, the role of support and maintenance becomes even more critical. Therefore, it’s essential to invest in a good team from the outset, ensuring that as the business evolves, its foundation remains strong. 

To ensure your startup is equipped to handle these challenges, leverage the expertise of professionals who have been there and done that. We understand the unique challenges faced by startups and are here to help. 


Don’t leave your startup exposed to unnecessary risks. Schedule a free consultation with our experts today. Claim your voucher here and ensure your business is built on a robust support foundation. 


About the Authors

Picture of Damian Wasilewski

Damian Wasilewski

Project Manager
Business Development Manager

Picture of Tom Soroka

Tom Soroka

Leaware Founder
Business Development Manager

Picture of Carlos Lopes

Carlos Lopes

Marketing Specialist
Business Development Manager

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