Feedback Summary
Project Summary
Please describe your company and your position there.
I am Marketing Director of Esaliens TFI SA. Esaliens has been operating on the Polish capital market for over 23 years and is recognized for proven investment expertise and long-term performance.
Opportunity / Challenge
For what projects/services did your company hire Leaware, and what were your goals?
We were looking for developing mobile application on Android and iOS for consultants to calculate IKZE (individual retirement security account) product in Poland.
How did you select Leaware and what were the deciding factors?
We found Leaware on the Internet and we’ve checked their expertise and portfolio. They had all the necessary people and tools to do the project.
Describe the scope of work in detail, including the project steps, key deliverables, and technologies used.
We used Xamarin technology to build the app for both Android and iOS platform. Our key goals was to allow to make fast calculations in offline mode, send offer by email and to create calculations by our customers by itself. It was also important to have an app working on many devices (smartphones, tablets).
How many resources from the Leaware team worked with you, and what were their positions?
Leaware provided us with a team of 3 people, a senior developer, a software consultant and mid Developer.
Results & Feedback
Can you share any measurable outcomes of the project or general feedback about the deliverables?
Application was ready in the estimated time for delivery. All functionalities were working good.
Describe their project management style, including communication tools and timeliness.
We worked in Scrum framework doing iterations and delivering planned increments. Jira was as our project management tool and Bitbucket was our repository.
What did you find most impressive or unique about this company?
Experience and well communication. Their discovery knowledge helped us to find out the best solution for our challenges, which was impressive.
Are there any areas for improvement or something they could have done differently?
Not really.
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Lea sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Toruniu, ul. Włocławska 167, 87-100 Toruń, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy w Toruniu, VII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego
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Germany, Belgium
+49 24023893009
United Kingdom
+44 2081900354
+45 21671778
+48 223781522
+38 1653980110
+38 163332268
Lea sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Toruniu, ul. Włocławska 167, 87-100 Toruń, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy w Toruniu, VII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego
Rejestru Sądowego pod nr KRS 835659, NIP 9522205303, wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 5 000 zł