Health & Technology
Our primary objective was to demonstrate our capacity to create an innovative application integrating wearable tech and AI for personalized biomechanical insights.
Meet the Client
Runeasi is a spin-off of KU Leuven, focusing on wearable technology. The application, developed by Leaware, is the result of eight years of collaborative research between the Human Movement and Artificial Intelligence Research Groups of KU Leuven.
Runeasi’s real-time functionality offers immediate, objective visual feedback about patient movement quality, enabling problem areas, weak links, or poor running technique to be instantly identified.
Historical Background
& Current Situation
Identifying the need for an accessible and cost-effective alternative to expensive, indoor-only 3D motion labs, Runeasi aimed to leverage wearable technology and AI to provide personalized biomechanical insights to runners.
The challenge lay in determining how wearable sensors and AI could offer runners personalized biomechanical insights without the need for an expensive 3D motion lab.
We developed the Runeasi app to address this challenge. Features included:
· Visual gamification to engage patients, facilitating self-optimization to clinical cues.
· Services provision in various locations, from the clinic to the field or running track.
· Retention and clinic loyalty increase through quantifying baselines and tracking progression along the return-to-play process.
· Patient biomechanical blueprint establishment and implementation with other strength, mobility, and functional tests.
· A catalog of pre-programmed tags for selection, or the creation of custom tags. Categories include injury type, athlete type, protocol/testing selection, or running surface.
Benefits of the App
The Runeasi app brings several benefits:
· It aids healthcare professionals to help runners, athletes, and clients improve their running.
· The unique position of the sacral sensor enables Runeasi to capture the total body impact and detect the body’s response.
· Healthcare professionals can analyze running patterns and use Runeasi to identify weak links or asymmetries.
· It measures biomechanical impacts, not captured by traditional metrics like heart rate, speed, distance, and time.
· Runeasi allows the patient to rate the perceived exertion, capturing the patient’s running intensity.
· Rehab and return-to-sport cases webinars are available.
As a testament to the quality and effectiveness of our development process, the initial release of the Runeasi product was well-received by early adopters. Users reported that the product enabled efficient screenings of their patients and revealed interesting insights.
Data and Evidence
While specific quantitative data is limited, the positive feedback from early adopters indicates the app’s success in meeting its objective. Users appreciated the efficiency of patient screenings and the insights provided by the app.
Lessons Learnt
Through the development of the Runeasi app, we gained invaluable insights into integrating wearable technology and AI in app development, particularly in the healthcare sector. This project reinforced our belief that innovation and user experience are critical in today’s tech-driven healthcare landscape.
In conclusion, the Runeasi app project demonstrates our expertise in creating groundbreaking applications that combine wearable technology and AI. Through our successful collaboration with Runeasi, we’ve proven our capacity to deliver innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of the healthcare and fitness industry.
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Lea sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Toruniu, ul. Włocławska 167, 87-100 Toruń, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy w Toruniu, VII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego
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