To make the world run better
CTO, Runeasi NV
“Leaware was very transparent and fair in terms of budgeting.”

Feedback Summary

The app was released and received positive feedback from the end clients. Though the team works remotely, the daily scrum meeting helps them make decisions. Leaware’s creativity shows continuous improvement of the project development, resonating with the client’s vision.

Project Summary

Leaware provides mobile app development and cloud consulting services for a biotech company. They are working with the app’s design and features and setting up cloud infrastructure with SaaS platform.


Please describe your company and your position there.

I am the CTO of Runeasi, a KU Leuven spin-off that wants to make the world run better. The impact when your foot hits the ground while running is repetitive and ruthless. Overload, asymmetry and poor movement control are causing setbacks, injuries and pain.

Runeasi’s wearable technology combines biomechanics and AI to introduce a novel way to look at running. More specifically, it enables physios to 1) Accurately measure impact and detect how the body responds to it. 2) Perform biomechanical assessments on patients and athletes in real-time. 3) Guide them based on scientifically validated insights and AI powered decisions

Opportunity / Challenge

For what projects/services did your company hire Leaware?

We hired Leaware to help us with the development of a mobile app and setting up a cloud infrastructure to support our SaaS business model


What were your goals for this project?

The project consist of 2 main goals:

  • First, the development of a mobile app that communicates with our sensor api and allows physios to analyse our biomechanical metrics using intuitive visualizations.
  • Second, to help us setup a cloud infrastructure that allows us to authenticate customers, manage their licenses, sync data between multiple devices, and enable us to continuously improve our service by learning from the data


How did you select Leaware?

We found out about Leaware via one of our mentors at KBC startit, an incubator for startups. After comparing Leaware to several other potential partners, we decided to work with them because their lean product development methodology aligned nicely with our needs as a startup.

We were convinced that we could benefit a lot from the best practices that Leaware developed over the past years while working on a high number of other projects. A last factor that convinced us was their flexibility and ability to scale their team when needed.


Describe the project in detail.

After a couple of discovery meetings we started working on the design phase were we created mockups of the app. After validating these mockups with potential customers, and a couple more quick iterations we could finalize the design phase and start the development process.

We then started working in sprints were I got the opportunity to closely interact with the development team on a daily basis, while still having enough time to focus on my core expertise: the development of the embedded biomechanics analytics algorithms and data interpretations.


What was the team composition?

Initially we could jumpstart the project with the help of a project manager/ architect and the help of 5 developers (3 mobile developers and 2 backend developers). Once the backbone and cloud api was in place we continued to worked together with the project manager and 2 mobile developers.

Results & Feedback

Can you share any outcomes from the project that demonstrate progress or success?

Even though the timeline for our first release was really short, we managed to release it in time and got very positive feedback from our clients.


How effective was the workflow between your team and theirs?

The workflow was very effective. As a product owner with a technical background I really liked to participate to the daily scrum meetings and take part in the discussions on development decisions/pioritizations along the way. Even though we were all working remotely, it felt like one big team.


What did you find most impressive about this company?

I think Leaware offers much more than just extra developers. They think along, quickly understood our problem domain and helped us to prioritize to come up with a product that maximizes the value for its end users while respecting our budget.


Are there any areas for improvement?

We are very happy with our collaboration so far and decided to also collaborate with Leaware for future improvements and extensions of our product.

We really appreciate their transparancy when working together and are very pleased with the complementary expertise that they add to our Runeasi team. This allows us to focus on our core expertise and continuosly improve our wearable technology and data interpretations.


“Leaware was very transparent and fair in terms of budgeting.”

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      Copyright 2023 

      Lea sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Toruniu, ul. Włocławska 167, 87-100 Toruń, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy w Toruniu, VII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego
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      +45 21671778

      +48 223781522

      +38 1653980110
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      Copyright 2023 

      Lea sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Toruniu, ul. Włocławska 167, 87-100 Toruń, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy w Toruniu, VII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego
      Rejestru Sądowego pod nr KRS 835659, NIP 9522205303, wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 5 000 zł

      Germany, Belgium
      +49 24023893009

      United Kingdom
      +44 2081900354

      +45 21671778

      +48 223781522

      +38 1653980110
      +38 163332268

      Copyright 2023 

      Lea sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Toruniu, ul. Włocławska 167, 87-100 Toruń, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy w Toruniu, VII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego
      Rejestru Sądowego pod nr KRS 835659, NIP 9522205303, wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 5 000 zł